Sunday, 7 December 2014

#392: The Beatles - Let It Be

The Beatles - Let It Be
May 8, 1970, Apple

1. "Two of Us" - 3:37
2. "Dig a Pony" - 3:55
3. "Across the Universe" - 3:48
4. "I Me Mine" - 2:26
5. "Dig It" - 0:50
6. "Let It Be" - 4:03
7. "Maggie Mae" (Traditional) - 0:40
8. "I've Got a Feeling" - 3:38
9. "One After 909" - 2:54
10. "The Long and Winding Road" - 3:38
11. "For You Blue" - 2:32
12. "Get Back" - 3:09 

Rate: 10/10
Best Song: Across the Universe
Worst Song: Dig It

I've already told you about my previous obsession with The Beatles, yeah?
This Album was their final Album, thus, making it one of the most important Albums in music history. I mean, yeah, it wasn't their last song together, but it was their last Album.
This also marks the very first Album that I've completely listened to before starting the list.
I don't realize how much I like the Beatles until I actually listen to them. They are just so catchy. When they're sad, you're depressed. When they're happy, you're ecstatic. When they're trippy, you wonder what they were smoking when they wrote it. But it's so good.
Alot of people say they're overrated, and, yeah, from a personificational look, they are pretty stupid.
George Harrison got all hooked up on India or some shit, forever turning the mysterious man into "The Love Guru",
Paul McCartney looks like your British lesbian Aunt Betty-Sue,
John Lennon got whipped and chained voluntarily into fucking Yoko Ono's weird-ass metaphors,
and Ringo-
Actually, Ringo's pretty sweet, not gonna lie.
Their music is not overrated, in my opinion, though. It was never before heard, it was revolutionised, it was a beautiful symphony of the perfect goodbye, and it was all thanks to drugs and some asian chick!
Go to hell, Yoko!

Monday, 24 November 2014

#393: M.I.A. - Kala

M.I.A. - Kala
August 8, 2007, Interscope

1. "Bamboo Banga" - 4:58
2. "Bird Flu" - 3:24
3. "Boyz" - 3:27
4. "Jimmy" - 3:29
5. "Hussel" (featuring Afrikan Boy) - 4:25
6. "Mango Pickle Down River" (with The Wilcannia Mob) - 3:53
7. "20 Dollar" - 4:34
8. "World Town" - 3:52
9. "The Turn" - 3:52
10. "XR2" - 4:20
11. "Paper Planes" - 3:24
12. "Come Around" (featuring Timbaland) - 3:53

Rate: 9.5/10
Best Song: Paper Planes
Worst Song: The Turn

Love the song, and my first experience with this Album was really good. It's dance music that takes some of it's parts from different cultures, like India and South Africa. The diverse and expressive cultures definitely solidify the foundations of the electronic and rap, making it very unique.
It got weird sometimes, but it was for sure a good weird.
Plus, the immortaly nostalgic "Paper Planes".
M.I.A. rocks.

#394: Randy Newman - Good Old Boys

Randy Newman - Good Old Boys
September 10, 1974, Reprise

1. "Rednecks" - 3:07
2. "Birmingham" - 2:45
3. "Marie" - 3:07
4. "Mr. President (Have Pity on the Working Man)" - 2:45
5. "Guilty" - 2:30
6. "Louisiana 1927" - 2:54
7. "Every Man a King" (Originally by Huey P. Long, Castro Carazo) - 1:02
8. "Kingfish" - 2:42
9. "Naked Man" - 3:06
10. "Wedding in Cherokee County" - 3:07
11. "Back on My Feet Again" - 3:30
12. "Rollin'" - 2:53

Rate: 9/10
Best Song: Rednecks
Worst Song: Lousiana 1927

Well, this Albu- WAIT A SECOND
That's right, my childhood soundtrack singer! Let's hear all of the groovy upbeat songs about friendship, love, compassion, shari-

"They're gatherin' 'em up from miles around
Keepin' the niggers down

We're rednecks, we're rednecks
We don't know our ass from a hole in the ground"

Jesus Christ.

It's always hard when someone you've always admired for their friendliness and happiness hits you hard with reality.

I write this article in the midst of the Ferguson trials/riots, in the wake of the death of Mike Brown.
If this is still remembered of the time you are reading this, you will understand the full chaos and the state that America is in right now. It's all circling around one big subject. One gaping subject that people either abuse to their power, or ignore completely. No, it's not "Should we teach our officers to handle situations as non-lethally as possible?",

It's Racism.

This entire Album challenges the hypocrisy and bigoted minds of racism. It challenges Southern culture, and retorts North culture. Newman wrote the songs from a position of a man named "Johnny Cutler", a southern everyday man who sees the racist world he lives in. In the beginning, after seeing TV make fun of the South's racism, he judges how bigoted the North is, pointing out black ghettos and how they're treated, such as the Bronx. By the end of the Album, the miserable Cutler just accepts the fact that racism is all around him, and it always will be.

This isn't an Album, it's a whole goddamn story.

The music is still the same Randy Newman, but the subject and concept behind it is pretty amazing, so, yeah, I really liked it.

Monday, 27 October 2014

#395: LCD Soundsystem - Sound of Silver

LCD Soundsystem - Sound of Silver
March 20, 2007, DFA/Capitol

1. "Get Innocuous!" - 7:11
2. "Time to Get Away" - 4:11
3. "North American Scum" - 5:25
4. "Someone Great" - 6:25
5. "All My Friends" - 7:37
6. "Us v Them" - 8:29
7. "Watch the Tapes" - 3:55
8. "Sound of Silver" - 7:07
9. "New York, I Love You but You're Bringing Me Down" - 5:35

Rate: 9/10
Best Song: North American Scum
Worst Song: Sound of Silver

So, I've heard James Murphy's work with the Gorillaz, and I've discovered this little thing about his Albums.
The first half of the Albums have the underdog scores. They are songs that start off like they are going to be really irritating buzzy wuzzy electronica songs, but they each have a breaking point where the music switches into an awesome state of some form of electronic punk. The other half did the opposite, starting off with potential, and ending up bombing the song with some weird ass synthesizer solo that lasts five days. Not that it's bad, but you can't put a good song up and go "Haha just kidding listen to the sound this keyboard makes oooo eeeee ooooo".
This Album isn't necessarily a "Great" Album that defines music in general, but is still a pretty dope Album in my opinion.
Oooooo Eeeeee Oooooo.

Sunday, 26 October 2014

#396: Roxy Music - For Your Pleasure

Roxy Music - For Your Pleasure
March 23, 1973, Warner Bros.

1. "Do the Strand" - 4:04
2. "Beauty Queen" - 4:41
3. "Strictly Confidential" - 3:48
4. "Editions of You" - 3:51
5. "In Every Dream Home a Heartache" - 5:29
6. "The Bogus Man" - 9:20
7. "Grey Lagoons" - 4:13
8. "For Your Pleasure" - 6:51

Rate: 8.5/10
Best Song: Editions of You
Worst Song: The Bogus Man

Here I am, reading about this Album, hearing it to be another Brian Eno album, so I'm expecting the weird.
But when "Do the Strand" and "Editions of You" came on, I was baffled on how the two songs were so good. They were catchy, they were upbeat, they had good chorus and verses...They were just so fun.
Of course, being Brian Eno had a big hand in this, the rest of the Album was pretty down and dark, with some nonsense chanting, creepy lyrics, and undertone galore. It was still fine, but it was artistically crazy. Good vocals, good guitar, wicked synthesizer. 
But the two upbeat songs belong in classic rock genre, not art rock.
Also, the model on the front cover has a really insane backstory. Amanda Lear, check it out.

Saturday, 25 October 2014

#397: Massive Attack - Blue Lines

Massive Attack - Blue Lines
April 8, 1991, Virgin

1. "Safe From Harm" - 5:19
2. "One Love" - 4:49
3. "Blue Lines" - 4:22
4. "Be Thankful for What You've Got" - 4:10
5. "Five Man Army" - 6:04
6. "Unfinished Sympathy" - 5:05
7. "Daydreaming" - 4:15
8. "Lately" - 4:26
9. "Hymn of the Big Wheel" - 6:37 

Rate: 6.5/10
Best Song: Safe From Harm
Worst Song: One Love

It was a very strange Album.
Featuring electronic beats, and the most chilled mellow rapping I've ever heard. This one line from the song "Hymn of the Big Wheel" is stuck in my head. "The Earth spins...On it's axis."
Science in rap. Always cool.
But yeah, this is a pretty good Album if you're falling asleep but otherwise it kind of sucks.
That's really all I have to say because this Album is just so weird.

#398: ZZ Top - Eliminator

ZZ Top - Eliminator
March 23, 1983, Warner Bros.

1. "Gimme All Your Lovin'" - 3:59
2. "Got Me Under Pressure" - 4:00
3. "Sharp Dressed Man" - 4:13
4. "I Need You Tonight" - 6:14
5. "I Got the Six" - 2:52
6. "Legs" - 4:35
7. "Thug" - 4:17
8. "TV Dinners" - 3:50
9. "Dirty Dog" - 4:05
10. "If I Could Only Flag Her Down" - 3:40
11. "Bad Girl" - 3:16

Rate: 9/10
Best Song: Legs
Worst Song: Thug

With a God Tier Album cover and probably the most manliest instrumentals and vocals to ever grace the earth, ZZ top rocked it was this Album.
The first six songs are so good. Even when a song started bad, they so made up for it, "Legs" and "Sharp Dressed Man" being absolutely legendary hits for the band, really setting their career in full motion. I liked this Album a shitton more than the other Album they made me review. The songs are catchy, full of life, funny, and just overall great to have playing in a bar. 
Note to mom: Is it ok if I grow a beard like ZZ Top?

Tuesday, 21 October 2014

#399: Tom Waits - Rain Dogs

Tom Waits - Rain Dogs
September 30, 1985, Island

1. "Singapore" - 2:46
2. "Clap Hands" - 3:47
3. "Cemetery Polka" - 1:51
4. "Jockey Full of Bourbon" - 2:45
5. "Tango Till They're Sore" - 2:49
6. "Big Black Mariah" - 2:44
7. "Diamonds & Gold" - 2:31
8. "Hang Down Your Head" - 2:32
9. "Time" - 3:55
10. "Rain Dogs" - 2:56
11. "Midtown" (instrumental) - 1:00
12. "9th & Hennepin" - 1:58
13. "Gun Street Girl" - 4:37
14. "Union Square" - 2:24
15. "Blind Love" - 4:18
16. "Walking Spanish" - 3:05
17. "Downtown Train" - 3:53
18. "Bride of Rain Dog" (instrumental) - 1:07
19. "Anywhere I Lay My Head" - 2:48

Rate: 8.5/10
Best Song: Downtown Train
Worst Song: 9th & Hennepin

I don't really know if Tom Waits is even music, less than he is a storyteller with a gruff voice and a sad guitar.
Kieth Richards is in this one, playing a couple tracks. Didn't recognize him, but, he's there. This Album is like his last one. It's just some rough blues played by Waits, and you kind of feel like changing it to something else until you pay attention to the lyrics.
Oh, and he has a "Talk-Song" in this one, too.
"9th & Hennepin" is a guy who talks about a hotel. Neat, sure, but I can't really jam out to it. I guess that's not really the point, though. Still, the songs are kind of dull enough as is, so, why make a speech track?
That being said, I gave him high ratings for good reason: Waits is just enjoyable to listen to.
His songs are little stories and life lessons, and sometimes you need a raspy voice to give you a dramatic example of what happens when you go downtown alone.
Also, "Anywhere I Lay My Head" messed me up, because the track is digitally made to sound like the CD is starting to become scratched and skip parts. It's not, and I KNOW it's not, because it's Tom Waits.
Tom Waits, ladies and gentlemen. Making me listen to the same song on 5 different websites to make sure that that's what the song is supposed to sound like.

#400: The Temptations - Anthology

The Temptations - Anthology
August 23, 1973, Motown

1. "The Way You Do The Things You Do" - 2:39
2. "I'll Be In Trouble" - 2:55
3. "The Girl's Alright With Me" - 2:55
4. "Girl (Why You Wanna Make Me Blue)" - 2:14
5. "My Girl" - 2:57
6. "It's Growing" -  2:59
7. "What Love Has Joined Together" - 2:57
8. "Who's Lovin' You" - 2:58
9. "Since I Lost My Baby" - 2:51
10. "You've Got to Earn It" - 2:40
11. "Nobody But You" - 2:24
12. "My Baby" - 2:58
13. "Don't Look Back" - 2:55
14. "Ol' Man River" [live] - 4:51
15. "Get Ready" - 2:39
16. "Ain't Too Proud To Beg" - 2:34
17. "You'll Lose A Precious Love" - 2:28
18. "Beauty Is Only Skin Deep" - 2:22
19. "(I Know) I'm Losing You" - 2:28
20. "All I Need" - 3:19
21. "You're My Everything" - 3:12
22. "(Loneliness Made Me Realize) It's You That I Need" - 2:38
23. "I Wish It Would Rain" - 2:53 
24. "I Could Never Love Another (After Loving You)" - 3:38
25. "Please Return Your Love To Me" - 2:23
26. "Lullaby Of Love" - 2:19
27. "The Impossible Dream" - 3:25
28. "Cloud Nine" - 3:30
29. "I'm Gonna Make You Love Me" - 3:08
30. "Runaway Child, Running Wild" - 4:50
31. "Don't Let The Joneses Get You Down" - 4:46
32. "I Can't Get Next To You" - 2:55
33. "Psychedelic Shack" - 3:54
34. "Ball Of Confusion (That's What The World Is Today)" - 4:08
35. "Just My Imagination (Running Away With Me)" - 3:49
36. "Superstar (Remember How You Got Where You Are)" - 2:53
37. "Papa Was A Rollin' Stone" - 7:00
38. "Masterpiece" - 4:23
39. "Hey Girl (I Like Your Style)" - 3:30
40. "Let Your Hair Down" - 2:41
41. "Shakey Ground" -  4:04
42. "A Song for You" - 4:39
43. "Power" - 4:10
44. "Standing On The Top" - 4:23
45. "Treat Her Like a Lady" - 4:19
46. "Lady Soul" - 4:46

Rate: 8/10
Best Song: (I Know) I'm Losing You
Worst Song: Papa Was a Rolling Stone

For about 3 weeks, I've had 5 black guys in suits staring me down, trying to lure me into listening to their doo-wop Album, motioning for me to press play and listen.
3 weeks.
I couldn't take it anymore. I made a vow not to listen to ANY Albums if they are on this list, until I go through them like I'm supposed to. But I really wasn't in the mood for ANOTHER compilation Shooby Doo-Wops. As I've said before, I really don't like compilation Albums, primarily because they are sooooooo long. This one was 2 hours and a half, not the longest, but still unpleasant to have to sit through.
When I start reviewing an Album, I look at the Album on the list, get all the information I can on the name of artist, name of album, release date, label, and most importantly, tracklist.
The hardest part is always the tracklist.
Usually, Albums have a wikipedia page dedicated to them. It's a pain in the ass when they don't, and I'm off on some bored out of my skull adventure to find song names, but it's even worse to find how long each song is.
When I finally find the tracklist, it's copy and past, remove any links attached to the songs, remove the formatting, number them off, quotations marks, and then length of song. It's a troubling process. This tracklist had everything in check: Except for song length. So, whenever a song played on, I'd quickly jot down how long it was, and then proceed to listen. This means I had to be on the ball for every song. Being this song is 2 and a half hours, and I have a fairly busy schedule, it's hard to fit in time for Albums.
I started this Album at 12 AM.
It is now 3 AM, and I wake up in 2 hours.
So, it's understandable to be pissed off at compilation Albums, or Albums that need editing. To rub it in, Rolling Stones used the wrong Album cover. Usually, I'd fix that, but you no what? I have this image of The Temptations burned into my skull now, so now my blog can, too. Suck it, Rolling Stones.
But of course, The Album Review.
I had a whole review planned out for this, but you know what? It's my 100th Album. I wrote lots already. 

This album was good.

Done. See y'all next Album.

P.S. Somebody tell The Temptations that they sound like girls

Monday, 29 September 2014

#401: Red Hot Chili Peppers - Californication

Red Hot Chili Peppers, Californication
June 8, 1999, Warner Bros.

1. "Around the World" - 3:58
2. "Parallel Universe" - 4:30
3. "Scar Tissue" - 3:35
4. "Otherside" - 4:15
5. "Get on Top" - 3:18
6. "Californication" - 5:21
7. "Easily" - 3:51
8. "Porcelain" - 2:43
9. "Emit Remmus" - 4:00
10. "I Like Dirt" - 2:37
11. "This Velvet Glove" - 3:45
12. "Savior" - 4:52
13. "Purple Stain" - 4:13
14. "Right on Time" - 1:52
15. "Road Trippin'" - 3:25

Rate: 9.5/10
Best Song: Scar Tissue
Worst Song: Easily

My first concert was the Red Hot Chili Peppers. Good show.
This was a really cool, chill, and laid-back Album. Lots of good content, and the bassline on "Around the World" is soooo golden. But the winner of the cake is the always touching "Scar Tissue". Kiedis' voice just matches the song's essence so flawlessly. It brings up the weird question of "Is 'Scar Tissue' a sad song?" Yeah, the lyrics are a bit depressive, but the song in general...
Is it sad?

Sunday, 28 September 2014

#402: Nas - Illmatic

Nas, Illmatic
April 19, 1994, Columbia

1. "The Genesis" - 1:45
2. "N.Y. State of Mind" - 4:54
3. "Life's a Bitch" (featuring AZ) - 3:30
4. "The World Is Yours" - 4:50
5. "Halftime" - 4:20
6. "Memory Lane (Sittin' in da Park)" - 4:08
7. "One Love" - 5:25
8. "One Time 4 Your Mind" - 3:18
9. "Represent" - 4:12
10. "It Ain't Hard to Tell" - 3:22

Rate: 9/10
Best Song: Life's a Bitch
Worst Song: The Genesis

Yeah, it's good and all that but I have one question.
Why do rappers but a picture of themselves as kids on the front Album?
I can just imagine Tupac or some shit coming home with the gang after a bank robbery or drive-by or some shit, just to pop on some of their jams, and one of his homies picks up the Album and is just like, "Awww, Baby Tupac had the cutest dimples!" as Grandma Tupac comes in and is all like "Ahhh, yes, Sonny, this one pick is of learning how to potty train" and Tupac is just "Nana, please, I'm with my friends."

Like just put a picture of yourself holding a gun or something

#403: Lynyrd Skynyrd - (Pronounced Leh-Nerd Skin-Nerd)

Lynyrd Skynyrd, Pronounced Leh-Nerd Skin-Nerd
August 13, 1973, MCA

1. "I Ain't the One" - 3:53
2. "Tuesday's Gone" - 7:32
3. "Gimme Three Steps" - 4:30
4. "Simple Man" - 5:57
5. "Things Goin' On" - 5:00
6. "Mississippi Kid" - 3:56
7. "Poison Whiskey" - 3:13
8. "Free Bird" - 9:09

Rate: 9/10
Best Song: Free Bird
Worst Song: Mississippi Kid

I have this friend who plays guitar a little too much, and so everytime he picks it up, I jokingly yell out; "Play Free Bird!"
We then proceed to laugh because it's Lynyrd Skynyrd.
However, I've actually never heard Free Bird before.
The whole Album I thought was going to all sound like "Sweet Home Alabama". It kind of did, at first.
Until Free Bird played.
The guitar solo in that song blew my mind because that was one of the greatest solo's I have ever heard.
The rest of the Album was kind of a build-up towards the finale. I love how the finale is the best song, rather than the first song in most Albums. It really adds more impact, and helps you remember how awesome the Album is, even though I almost fell asleep.
Free Bird sounds an awful lot like Stairway to Heaven.
But who stole from who?

#404: Dr. John - Dr. John's Gumbo

Dr. John, Dr. John's Gumbo
April 20, 1972, Atco

1. "Iko Iko" - 4:16
2. "Blow Wind Blow"- 3:15
3. "Big Chief" - 3:26
4. "Somebody Changed the Lock" - 2:43
5. "Mess Around" - 3:13
6. "Let the Good Times Roll" - 3:58
7. "Junko Partner" - 4:30
8. "Stack-A-Lee" - 3:29
9. "Tipitina" - 2:09
10. "Those Lonely Lonely Nights" - 2:33
11. "Huey Smith Medley" -  3:19
12. "Little Liza Jane" - 3:00

Rate: 7.5/10
Best Song: Blow Wind Blow
Worst Song: Those Lonely Lonely Nights

Dr. John has a very raspy type voice. It's like he's been shouting for 30 years, and it gives me the benefit of the thought, which is, "Is this guy a black blues singer gone funk or is he just some white guy trying to pull that effect off?"
It's the latter, and it doesn't sound half bad. 
Funk from New Orleans is typically good, not gonna lie. This Album was pretty savvy, and his version of Stack-A-Lee, while not as good as Nick Cave's, is still pretty cool, as it's more traditionally sung by Dr. John than, umm, Mr. Cave's.
To sum it all up, a pretty good Album to introduce someone who has never heard funk before to funk.

Monday, 15 September 2014

#405: Big Star - Radio City

Big Star - Radio City
February 1974, Ardent

1. "O My Soul" – 5:40 
2. "Life Is White" – 3:19
3. "Way Out West" – 2:50 
4. "What's Going Ahn" – 2:40
5. "You Get What You Deserve" – 3:08 
6. "Mod Lang" – 2:45 
7. "Back of a Car" – 2:46 
8. "Daisy Glaze" – 3:49 
9. "She's a Mover" – 3:12 
10. "September Gurls" – 2:49 
11. "Morpha Too" – 1:27 
12. "I'm in Love with a Girl" – 1:48

Rate: 5.5/10
Best Song: Mod Lang
Worst Song: Morpha Too

At first glance, one might mistake this Album for that of a new wave Hipster band.
But, that Hipster would be very struck down to discover that this Album is pretty much a group of try-hards looking for a #1 hit by trying to replicate the sounds of The Beatles and Bob Dylan. The point I'm really pushing to get across is,
It's shit.
The entire Album sucks. It's alright at first, but it gets sooo repetitive, it's like listening to the same song on repeat over and over again. That's not passion, that's trying to earn profit.
Still, at least it's actual music and not some robo-
Oh, I've already used that insult before?
Nevermind, carry on.

Friday, 29 August 2014

#406: PJ Harvey - Rid of Me

PJ Harvey - Rid of Me
May 4, 1993, Island

1. "Rid of Me" – 4:28
2. "Missed" – 4:25
3. "Legs" – 3:40
4. "Rub 'til It Bleeds" – 5:03
5. "Hook" – 3:57
6. "Man-Size Sextet" – 2:18
7. "Highway 61 Revisited" (Originally by Bob Dylan) – 2:57
8. "50ft Queenie" – 2:23
9. "Yuri-G" – 3:28
10. "Man-Size" – 3:16
11. "Dry" – 3:23
12. "Me-Jane" – 2:42
13. "Snake" – 1:36
14. "Ecstasy" – 4:26

Rate: 9/10
Best Song: Rid of Me
Worst Song: Man-Size Sextet

Such a good Album.
A very haunting piece of, er, music, but it still wraps up to a wonderful sound.
It was good.
Some songs were a little the music was still wickedly insane and loaded good jams. I think I like this Album better than the other one I listened to. Not to say it wasn't garbage, I just prefer the sound of less-effort rock that still has blazing amounts of passion to it. The sound of a blown out amp and the screeching sound of guitar getting to close to the amplifier just sounds so awesome.
What's with people covering Bob Dylan?

Tuesday, 26 August 2014

#407: The Clash - Sandinista!

The Clash - Sandinista!
December 12, 1980, Epic

1. "The Magnificent Seven" - 5:28
2. "Hitsville U.K." - 4:20
3. "Junco Partner" - 4:53
4. "Ivan Meets G.I. Joe" - 3:05
5. "The Leader" - 1:41
6. "Something About England" - 3:42
7. "Rebel Waltz" - 3:25
8. "Look Here" - 2:44
9. "The Crooked Beat" - 5:29
10. "Somebody Got Murdered" - 3:34
11. "One More Time" - 3:32
12. "One More Dub" - 3:34
13. "Lightning Strikes (Not Once but Twice)" - 4:51
14. "Up in Heaven (Not Only Here)" - 4:31
15. "Corner Soul" - 2:43
16. "Let's Go Crazy" - 4:25
17. "If Music Could Talk" - 4:36
18. "The Sound of Sinners" - 4:00
19. "Police on My Back" - 3:15
20. "Midnight Log" - 2:11
21. "The Equaliser" - 5:47
22. "The Call Up" - 5:25
23. "Washington Bullets" - 3:51
24. "Broadway" - 5:45
25. "Lose This Skin" - 5:07
26. "Charlie Don't Surf" - 4:55
27. "Mensforth Hill" - 3:42
28. "Junkie Slip" - 2:48
29. "Kingston Advice" - 2:36
30. "The Street Parade" - 3:26
31. "Version City" - 4:23
32. "Living in Fame" - 4:36
33. "Silicone on Sapphire" - 4:32
34. "Version Pardner" - 5:22
35. "Career Opportunities" - 2:30
36. "Shepherds Delight" 3:25

Rate: 7/10
Best Song: Career Opportunities
Worst Song: Mensforth Hill

So, here I am, getting excited about The Clash, expecting a fully loaded 2 hour long punk Album, when I play the Album aaaand...
Yeah, it killed my hopes and dreams, but, it was still a decent Album. Joe Strummer portrays strong passion and very talented vocals, alongside all the musical personnel who played alongside him. The mixed genre keeps the flow of the Album interesting, and the only real complaint I have is that it got really weird near the end.
I dislike to like the disliking of liking, I suppose.

Sunday, 24 August 2014

The Late 500

I'm back,

and fully loaded with new ideas and perspectives on life, beauty, art, and everything that comes with that.

Stay tuned, and get ready to read more biased opinions!


Saturday, 28 June 2014

The Wait 500

Hey everyone!

I'm working at a children's camp throughout the Summer, so I'm going to put this project on hiatus. I'm not ending the whole thing, just taking a 2 Month break so I can take the time to work out in the wilderness of Alberta. No internet, so I can't really work on this, and there is no time to do so either. I apologize if this causes any problems.

But if you are seriously affected by me taking a break, maybe you should take one too, because that's really weird.

Anyways, I'll probably be back in Early September-ish, so I'll see you then!

See you soon,


Tuesday, 24 June 2014

#408: Sinéad O'Connor - I Do Not Want What I Haven't Got

Sinéad O'Connor - I Do Not Want What I Haven't Got
March 1990, Chrysalis

1. "Feel So Different" - 6:47
2. "I Am Stretched on Your Grave" (Originally by Philip King) - 5:33
3. "Three Babies" - 4:47
4. "The Emperor's New Clothes" - 5:16
5. "Black Boys on Mopeds" - 3:53
6. "Nothing Compares 2 U" (Originally by Prince) - 5:10
7. "Jump in the River" - 4:12
8. "You Cause as Much Sorrow" - 5:04
9. "The Last Day of Our Acquaintance" - 4:40
10. "I Do Not Want What I Haven't Got" - 5:47

Rate: 7/10
Best Song: Nothing Compares 2 U
Worst Song: I Do Not Want What I Haven't Got

O'Connor's "Controversies" I've found more irritating than revolutionary. She's courageous about what she does, but she makes a way bigger scene about it than she actually needs to.
Personally, I find her irritating. However, she is incredibly talented.
She tends to lean towards a more Acapella tone in this Album, with softened instrumentals, and belted out lyrics that rattle your bones. Yes, SinĂ©ad, we get that you can sing. Now make some music with a guitar, or organ, or percussion set.
Really, the whole Album is a showcase of vocal abilities. Deep lyrics, but no beat. Strong cries for help, but no rescue team.
Maybe that's just me. But I like music that has it all. Not just talent in vocals, but a good guitarist, and the teamwork needed to make music together. I loved being in bands, just because everybody was needed, felt important, and was just having a great time making shitty music together.

Monday, 23 June 2014

#409: The Doors - Strange Days

The Doors - Strange Days
September 25, 1967, Elektra

1. "Strange Days" - 3:11
2. "You're Lost Little Girl" - 3:03
3. "Love Me Two Times" - 3:18
4. "Unhappy Girl" - 2:02
5. "Horse Latitudes" - 1:37
6. "Moonlight Drive" - 3:05
7. "People Are Strange" - 2:13
8. "My Eyes Have Seen You" - 2:32
9. "I Can't See Your Face in My Mind" - 3:26
10. "When the Music's Over" - 10:58

Rate: 9/10
Best Song: People Are Strange
Worst Song: Horse Latitudes

It is illegal to listen to The Doors in my house.
If you are caught, you are kicked out of the house, and locked out. That's it.
So, listening to this Album in secret, I have concluded the following points:

-It's fantastic
-I love The Doors
-Jim Morrison's vocals make me quiver with how good of a singer he is

If my Dad never reads this, I'll see you all next Album!

#410: Bob Dylan - Time Out of Mind

Bob Dylan - Time Out of Mind
September 30, 1997, Columbia

1. "Love Sick" - 5:21
2. "Dirt Road Blues" - 3:36
3. "Standing in the Doorway" - 7:43
4. "Million Miles" - 5:52
5. "Tryin' to Get to Heaven" - 5:21
6. "'Til I Fell in Love with You" - 5:17
7. "Not Dark Yet" - 6:29
8. "Cold Irons Bound" - 7:15
9. "Make You Feel My Love" - 3:32
10. "Can't Wait" - 5:47
11. "Highlands" - 16:31

Rate: 8.5/10
Best Song: Love Sick
Worst Song: Million Miles

I haven't heard much Dylan past "Like a Rolling Stone", so all his works are completely new to me.
Mainly, I've just admired who he was as a person. He always was deep in thought, melancholic, but never once lacking passion. He's like the Poe of music.
This Album is a complete revelation of Dylan putting his gravely and raspy voice to good use. The Album starts kind of electronic, featuring a jaw-dropping organ (My favourite part of the Album), the lyrical genius of Dylan himself, and all the rest that comes with it. It starts to fade away to a more blues/jazz kind of standpoint, acoustic and a little bit dull, but picks up again, with the pointlessly long song "Highlands", ranging at 16:31.
Even if you don't like the sound of Dylan, reading his lyrics is like reading a poem. It is comprised of well-thought out and very flexible ideas that can strike a reader to the core, so singing his heart out and filling each word with passion really hits it home for me.

Sunday, 22 June 2014

#411: Eric Clapton - 461 Ocean Boulevard

Eric Clapton - 461 Ocean Boulevard
July 1974, RSO

1. "Motherless Children" (Traditional) – 4:55
2. "Give Me Strength" – 2:51
3. "Willie and the Hand Jive" (Originally by Johnny Otis) – 3:31
4. "Get Ready" – 3:50
5. "I Shot the Sheriff" (Originally by Bob Marley) – 4:30
6. "I Can't Hold Out" (Originally by Elmore James) – 4:10
7. "Please Be With Me" (Originally by Charles Scott Boyer) – 3:25
8. "Let It Grow" – 4:57
9. "Steady Rollin' Man" (Originally by Robert Johnson) – 3:14
10. "Mainline Florida" (Originally by George Terry) – 4:05

Rate: 5.5/10
Best Song: Motherless Children
Worst Song: Let it Grow

The horrible abomination of Steve Jobs, Woody Allen, and Ben Affleck known as "Eric Clapton" is a legend in the music industry, as easily the most influential rock/blues guitarist of the 70's/80's.
So why does his music suck?
I haven't heard much other than "Cocaine", and I'm aware of his other albums like "Cream" and "Layla" (Although I've never heard), but this acoustic Album was just not good. Clapton is just waaay too overrated. And is every goddamn song a cover? I thought Clapton had originality? Somebody shot the sheriff, but it wasn't you, Eric.
I'm assuming heroin can make you think bad music is good.

Thursday, 19 June 2014

#412: Wire - Pink Flag

Wire - Pink Flag
December 1977, Harvest

1. "Reuters" - 3:03
2. "Field Day for the Sundays" - 0:28
3. "Three Girl Rhumba" - 1:23
4. "Ex Lion Tamer" - 2:19
5. "Lowdown" - 2:26
6. "Start to Move" - 1:13
7. "Brazil" - 0:41
8. "It's So Obvious" - 0:53
9. "Surgeon's Girl" - 1:17
10. "Pink Flag" - 3:47
11. "The Commercial" - 0:49
12. "Straight Line" - 0:44
13. "106 Beats That" - 1:12
14. "Mr. Suit" - 1:25
15. "Strange" - 3:58
16. "Fragile" - 1:18
17. "Mannequin" - 2:37
18. "Different to Me" - 0:43
19. "Champs" - 1:46
20. "Feeling Called Love" - 1:22
21. "12 X U" - 1:55

Rate: 9/10
Best Song: 12 X U
Worst Song: 106 Beats That

If they are on a Punk Rock dumping spree, I will be their landfill.
Excellent Album. I really do love short but extraordinary songs. They maintain the fun energy levels while still keeping the listener interested. Now, that's not to say I don't enjoy long and epic songs ("Stairway to Heaven"), but the short simplicity acts as very powerful fillers to an Album that keeps the fluidity of an Album going, rather than cramming in 20 long ass songs to fill in the void space to "Complete" an Album. The previous Album did the short song technique, but it just got weird, and was rushed shitty music for the fillers. Wire nailed it flawlessly, though.
Well, for the most part.
It got a little rough around some edges, and the longer songs were just to distant for my taste. Too much guitar and amp sounds that kind of blended together in a little bit of an irritating manner, in comparison with that of garage rock.
Still, I've seen this Album so many times, yet this is my first time actually hearing any of it. It's my type of music, and it has a charming atmosphere to the messy sound of the premise, so well done on Wire's behalf.

#413: Minutemen - Double Nickels on the Dime

Minutemen - Double Nickels on the Dime
July 1984, SST

Side D. 
1. "Anxious Mo-Fo" - 1:19
2. "Theatre Is the Life of You" - 1:30
3. "Viet Nam" - 1:27
4. "Cohesion" - 1:55
5. "It's Expected I'm Gone" - 2:04
6. "#1 Hit Song" - 1:47
7. "Two Beads at the End" - 1:52
8. "Do You Want New Wave or Do You Want the Truth?" - 1:49
9. "Don't Look Now" (Originally by Creedence Clearwater Revival) - 1:46
10. "Shit from an Old Notebook" - 1:35
11. "Nature Without Man" - 1:45
12. "One Reporter's Opinion" - 1:50

Side Mike 
13. "Political Song for Michael Jackson to Sing" - 1:33
14. "Maybe Partying Will Help" - 1:56
15. "Toadies" - 1:38
16. "Retreat" - 2:01
17. "The Big Foist" - 1:29
18. "God Bows to Math" - 1:15
19. "Corona" - 2:24
20. "The Glory of Man" - 2:55
21. "Take 5, D." - 1:40
22. "My Heart and the Real World" - 1:05
23. "History Lesson - Part II" - 2:10

Side George 
24. "You Need the Glory" - 2:01
25. "The Roar of the Masses Could Be Farts" - 1:20
26. "Mr. Robot's Holy Orders" - 3:05
27. "West Germany" - 1:48
28. "The Politics of Time" - 1:10
29. "Themselves" - 1:17
30. "Please Don't Be Gentle With Me" - 0:46
31. "Nothing Indeed" - 1:21
32. "No Exchange" - 1:50
33. "There Ain't Shit on T.V. Tonight" - 1:34
34. "This Ain't No Picnic" - 1:56
35. "Spillage" - 1:51

Side Chaff 
36. "Untitled Song for Latin America" - 2:03
37. "Jesus and Tequila" - 2:52
38. "June 16th" - 1:48
39. "Storm in My House" - 1:57
40. "Martin's Story" - 0:51
41. "Ain't Talkin' 'bout Love" (Originally by Van Halen) - 0:40
42. "Dr. Wu" (Originally by Steely Dan) - 1:44
43. "Little Man With a Gun in His Hand" - 2:53
44. "The World According to Nouns" - 2:05
45. "Love Dance" - 2:00

Rate: 8.5/10
Best Song: Political Song for Michael Jackson to Sing
Worst Song: Toadies

I grew up with punk. I have no problem with that. I love alternative rock. It's in my blood, I suppose.
This Album gave a very strong start. For Side D., I was actually prepared to give it a 10/10.
But then it dragged on. And on. And on.
And the music that I was really getting into slowly started to churn out garbage.
Sure, it was cool to see a blend of genres, but that wasn't the issue.
The music was just...bad.
Still, rock solid Album, very far from a bad Album. Just what happens when you fill an Album to the rim with every bit of content you can produce.
I guess you get your penny's worth, though.

#414: The Go-Go's - Beauty and the Beat

The Go-Go's - Beauty and the Beat
July 8, 1981, I.R.S.

1. "Our Lips Are Sealed" - 2:45
2. "How Much More" - 3:06
3. "Tonite" - 3:35
4. "Lust to Love" - 4:04
5. "This Town" - 3:20
6. "We Got the Beat" - 2:36
7. "Fading Fast" - 3:41
8. "Automatic" - 3:07
9. "You Can't Walk in Your Sleep (If You Can't Sleep)" - 2:54
10. "Skidmarks on My Heart" - 3:06
11. "Can't Stop the World" - 3:20

Rate: 9.5/10
Best Song: We Got the Beat
Worst Song: You Can't Walk in Your Sleep (If You Can't Sleep)

When girls dominate rock and roll, it's sooo cash.
The downright catchy grooves and rhythms of The Go-Go's are so unique in the taste that they are the first and (to date) the only All-Female Band to have written all their own music, played their own instruments, and still reach the #1 spot on Billboard. That's actually really incredible.
They combined two genres that needed combining: New Wave and Rock. The Pop Rock that evolved from this was a cornerstone for bands everywhere, and the light glaze of Post-Punk that they used was icing to the cake.
And here I am expecting another doo-wop Album.
Hell, I got more doo-wop in Van Halen's Album.

#415: Van Halen - Van Halen

Van Halen - Van Halen
February 10, 1978, Warner Bros.

1. "Runnin' with the Devil" - 3:36
2. "Eruption" - 1:43
3. "You Really Got Me" (Originally by The Kinks) - 2:38
4. "Ain't Talkin' 'bout Love" - 3:50
5. "I'm the One" - 3:47
6. "Jamie's Cryin'" - 3:31
7. "Atomic Punk" - 3:02
8. "Feel Your Love Tonight" - 3:43
9. "Little Dreamer" - 3:23
10. "Ice Cream Man" (Originally by John Brim) - 3:20
11. "On Fire" - 3:01

Rate: 9/10
Best Song: Eruption
Worst Song: On Fire

Van Halen is considered "Cheesy" in this household, and I can see why.
But goddammit they have talent.
Eddie Van Halen is undebatably one the greatest guitarists to grace the Earth, and nobody can argue that. I only got to hear Van Halen's singles "Jump" and "Panama", so I figured this Album was all relatively new to me, but when I heard "Eruption", I had to change my pants.
Roth's vocals do sound very glamorous, but I think that's the only thing separating the band from hard rock and metal. It's pretty unique.
Once you can play all that on guitar, you have the freedom to tell me that Van Halen sucks.

Wednesday, 18 June 2014

#416: Tom Waits - Mule Variations

Tom Waits - Mule Variations
April 16, 1999, Anti-/Epitaph

1. "Big in Japan" - 4:05
2. "Lowside of the Road" - 2:59
3. "Hold On" - 5:33
4. "Get Behind the Mule" - 6:52
5. "House Where Nobody Lives" - 4:14
6. "Cold Water" - 5:23
7. "Pony" - 4:32
8. "What's He Building?" - 3:20
9. "Black Market Baby" - 5:02
10. "Eyeball Kid" - 4:25
11. "Picture in a Frame" - 3:39
12. "Chocolate Jesus" - 3:55
13. "Georgia Lee" - 4:24
14. "Filipino Box Spring Hog" - 3:09
15. "Take It with Me" - 4:24
16. "Come on Up to the House" - 4:36

Rate: 9/10
Best Song: Hold On
Worst Song: What's He Building?

The rugged and raspy voice of Tom Waits could annihilate a jazz vocal competition, but the fact that he puts his voice to Rock is wicked.
Great instrumentals, very dark Album with a very fluid rhythm. I notice a trend in these darker Albums, where one track isn't actually a song, but rather a narration of events with little-to-no instrumentals present. This was the case of "Frankie Teardrop" by Suicide, or in this Album: "What's He Building?"
"What's He Building" features Waits narrating him looking into some loner guy's garage with a hammer and drill heard throughout the song. As interesting as it was, it wasn't good music.
But it rhymed, I guess!

Sunday, 15 June 2014

#417: U2 - Boy

U2 - Boy
October 20, 1980, Island

1. "I Will Follow" - 3:40
2. "Twilight" - 4:22
3. "An Cat Dubh" - 4:46
4. "Into the Heart" - 3:27
5. "Out of Control" - 4:12
6. "Stories for Boys" - 3:04
7. "The Ocean" - 1:34
8. "A Day Without Me" - 3:12
9. "Another Time, Another Place" - 4:31
10. "The Electric Co." - 4:47
11. "Shadows and Tall Trees/Untitled" - 5:13

Rate: 5/10
Best Song: An Cat Dubh
Worst Song: A Day Without Me

Slow and boring, yet powerful.
I didn't really dig this Album that much. The songs were songs you put on to fall asleep in the backseat of Dad's car. It's just so dull. Yeah, the lyrics are pretty bomb, and I'm not saying it's bad, because U2 obviously made themselves sound like this...It just isn't up my alley, I suppose. I know there is a better Album than this somewhere, but I could have avoided this one, and I was a bit reluctant to do a write up on it because I just didn't really have the wonder and amazement that some Albums give me. There really is just no good rhythm.
But that might just be me.

Friday, 13 June 2014

#418: Paul McCartney & Wings - Band on the Run

Paul McCartney & Wings - Band on the Run
December 5, 1973, Apple

1. "Band on the Run" – 5:10
2. "Jet" – 4:06
3. "Bluebird" – 3:22
4. "Mrs Vandebilt" – 4:38
5. "Let Me Roll It" – 4:47
6. "Mamunia" – 4:50
7. "No Words" – 2:33
8. "Picasso's Last Words (Drink to Me)" – 5:50
9. "Nineteen Hundred and Eighty-Five" – 5:27

Rate: 7/10
Best Song: Nineteen Hundred and Eighty-Five
Worst Song: Mrs Vandebilt

The opening to "Band on the Run" is a drowsy boring little piece before it transitions into the actual song. I really hated that.
An intro piece, to me, is supposed to create an atmosphere, and build the foundation to what the Album is supposed to sound like, and the intro really was a swing and a miss for McCartney.
This is my second ex-Beatles Album, as I already reviewed Harrison's Album, and the similarities between George and Paul are quite distinct.
Harrison brought a more spiritual groove, and calming wave of sensation, whilst McCartney has a more classic rock feel to him, a grooving and catchy beat. Although Paul is my least favourite Beatle, he does still have the charm that the Beatles brought into the world in the first place.
But I still have roughly 400 Albums to go through before I'm listening to any Beatles.

Monday, 9 June 2014

#419: Portishead - Dummy

Portishead - Dummy
August 22, 1994, Go! Discs

1. "Mysterons" - 5:02
2. "Sour Times" - 4:11
3. "Strangers" - 3:55
4. "It Could Be Sweet" - 4:16
5. "Wandering Star" - 4:51
6. "Numb" - 3:54
7. "Roads" - 5:02
8. "Pedestal" - 3:39
9. "Biscuit" - 5:01
10. "Glory Box" - 5:06

Rate: 9/10
Best Song: Mysterons
Worst Song: It Could Be Sweet

What the...?
This Album is flat out creepy. Just plain terrifying. I love it.
As creepy as it is, I have this comfortable feeling around it. I actually thought I've never heard Portishead before, but one of my strangest memories is as a young kid riding in the backseat of my parents car late at night with "Sour Times" playing in the background. As soon as the songs started, I knew exactly how it was going to play out, just because I strangely seem to remember these songs, yet not being able to remember any of them.
"Biscuit" is a song about how Love can be like drowning, as a scream for help does nothing.
That sounds like rape to me, but whatever. Art.
Hell, the backup vocals blare "It's all over now".
You know what? I think it's actually about rape.
Anyway, that was a weird sidetrack topic. Rolling Stone's made this Album seem like it would be a hip-hop jazzy kind of sound, but it was like tragic hip-hop, and I love it.
It ended in a more dreamy song, "Glory Box", but it was still creepy.
I like Portishead now.

Sunday, 8 June 2014

#420: Buddy Holly and the Crickets - The "Chirping" Crickets

Buddy Holly and the Crickets - The "Chirping" Crickets
November 27, 1957, Brunswick

1. "Oh, Boy!" – 2:07
2. "Not Fade Away" – 2:21
3. "You've Got Love" – 2:05
4. "Maybe Baby" – 2:01
5. "It's Too Late" – 2:22
6. "Tell Me How" – 1:58
7. "That'll Be the Day" – 2:14
8. "I'm Looking for Someone to Love" – 1:56
9. "An Empty Cup (And a Broken Date)" – 2:11
10. "Send Me Some Lovin'" – 2:33
11. "Last Night" – 1:53
12. "Rock Me My Baby" – 1:47

Rate: 8/10
Best Song: Rock Me My Baby
Worst Song: Maybe Baby

Heh. 420.
Buddy Holly is a pioneer of rock. Without this band, nothing that I love would have came true.
The Album is just injected with Rockabilly. I'm not crazy big on Rockabilly, but it's nothing I can't handle or hate. It just sounds a bit too...I don't know how to put it.
That being said, it is a good Album. The lyrics are golden, and the Album is cool and crisp, right to the very last song. The Backup vocals remind me of Mickey Mouse, especially in the opening song "Oh, Boy!".
Everything is nailed down, right to the vibrato in Holly's voice. They knew what they were doing, and got it down with the same amount of passion that the 50's knew and loved.
But I can see how Gary Busey pulled off Buddy Holly so well.

Saturday, 7 June 2014

#421: Various Artists - The Best of the Girl Groups (Vol. 1 and 2)

Various Artists - The Best of the Girl Groups (Vol. 1 and 2)
1990, Rhino

Vol 1.
1. "Leader Of The Pack" - The Shangri-Las - 2:54
2. "He's So Fine" - The Chiffons - 1:54
3. "Chapel Of Love" - The Dixie Cups - 2:50
4. "The Boy From New York City" - The Ad Libs - 3:02
5. "The Shoop Shoop Song (It's In His Kiss)" - Betty Everett - 2:16
6. "Sally, Go 'Round The Roses" - The Jaynetts - 3:16
7. "Will You Love Me Tomorrow" - The Shirelles - 2:44
8. "Remember (Walkin' In The Sand)" - The Shangri-Las - 2:20
9. "One Fine Day" - The Chiffons - 2:10
10. "Party Lights" - Claudine Clark - 2:24
11. "People Say" - The Dixie Cups - 2:46
12. "He's Got The Power" - The Exciters - 2:24
13. "I Can't Stay Mad At You" - Skeeter Davis - 2:09
14. "I Wanna Love Him So Bad" - The Jelly Beans - 2:45
15. "Dream Baby" - Cher - 2:59
16. "Baby It's You" - The Shirelles - 2:40
17. "Give Him A Great Big Kiss" - The Shangri-Las - 2:12
18. "I Can't Let It Go" - Evie Sands - 2:08

Vol 2.
1. "My Boyfriend's Back" - The Angels - 2:39
2. "Sweet Talkin' Guy" - The Chiffons - 2:27
3. "The Loco-Motion" - Little Eva - 2:27
4. "A Lover's Concerto" - The Toys - 2:42
5. "The Kind Of Boy You Can't Forget" - The Raindrops - 2:11
6. "You Don't Know" - Ellie Greenwich - 3:17
7. "Chains" - The Cookies - 2:32
8. "Popsicles And Icicles" - The Murmaids - 2:33
9. "The One You Can't Have" - The Honeys - 2:00
10. "Tell Him" - The Exciters - 2:39
11. "Don't Say Nothin' Bad (About My Baby)" - The Cookies - 2:45
12. "I Met Him On A Sunday" - The Shirelles - 2:16
13. "Wonderful Summer" - Robin Ward - 2:29
14. "It Might As Well Rain Until September" - Carole King - 2:25
15. "You Don't Have To Be A Baby To Cry" - The Caravelles - 2:02
16. "Easier Said Than Done" - The Essex - 2:12
17. "I Love How You Love Me" - The Paris Sisters - 2:09
18. "Johnny Get Angry" - Joanie Sommers - 2:32

Rate: 9/10
Best Song: Remember (Walkin' In The Sand)
Worst Song: Sally, Go 'Round The Roses

This Album has some pretty legendary songs on it from some of the most unheard of people.
I must admit, the 60's have always had this warm glow about it that makes me feel so comfortable, and almost at home. Don't let the title deceive you, though. There are plenty of female solo acts. It was actually pretty cool to hear how so many people Shooby-doo-wop'd there way to fame and success, and even more fascinating to see what led to their decline in fame. Reasons range from barbiturates overdoses, to the British invasion, and even Phil Spector.
Also, the bass lines are sooooo killer. Listen to the one on "Johnny Get Angry". That bass line could shred the back hairs off a baby's back. It's really dope.
The Album was fresh in the sense that it wasn't just the same voice and band the whole time, but the same genre is kind meh for the whole hour and thirty that it presents. Also, I don't think a Compilation Album really counts as an Album, but whatever.
Shooby Doo Wop!

Wednesday, 4 June 2014

#422: The Ronettes - Presenting the Fabulous Ronettes

The Ronettes - Presenting the Fabulous Ronettes
November 1964, Philles

1. "Walking in the Rain" - 3:16
2. "Do I Love You?" - 2:50
3. "So Young" - 2:36
4. "(The Best Part of) Breakin' Up" - 3:02
5. "I Wonder" - 2:51
6. "What'd I Say" (Originally by Ray Charles) - 4:40
7. "Be My Baby" - 2:40
8. "You, Baby" - 2:56
9. "Baby, I Love You" - 2:50
10. "How Does It Feel?" - 2:40
11. "When I Saw You" - 2:43
12. "Chapel of Love" - 2:54

Rate: 7/10
Best Song: (The Best Part of) Breakin' Up
Worst Song: You, Baby

It can be pretty tricky to fit time to Album listening and review into a busy schedule, but it can be pretty rewarding, especially when it comes to Albums like this.
The Album is pretty bone chilling when you take into account that this is one of Phil Spector's works, who would later go on to kill the lead singer of The Ronettes. It kind of adds a creepy vibe of melancholy happiness.
There's some pretty upbeat, jolly, and just overall fun music all over this Album. There's a cover of a Ray Charles song, which is pretty cash, and a good tap-your-foot Album in general.
It just didn't feel right. It felt like it was missing something. Each song was fine, but the connection between each song felt very distant, and it kind of shattered the story of an Album itself, which I think is pretty vital to an Album's success, and is the thing that liberates an Artist's individuality from the shell of just raw music.

Monday, 26 May 2014

#423: Diana Ross and The Supremes - Anthology

Diana Ross & The Supremes - Anthology
Diana Ross and The Supremes - Anthology
May 1974, Motown

Side One (The Early Sessions)
1. "Let Me Go The Right Way"
2. "A Breath Taking Guy"
3. "When The Lovelight Starts Shining Through His Eyes"
4. "Standing At The Crossroads Of Love"
5. "Run, Run, Run"
6. "Where Did Our Love Go"

Side Two (The Big Boom)
7. "Baby Love"
8. "Ask Any Girl"
9. "Come See About Me"
10. "Stop! In The Name Of Love"
11. "Back In My Arms Again"
12. "Nothing But Heartaches"

Side Three (Non-Stop Hitmaking)
13. "I Hear A Symphony"
14. "My World Is Empty Without You"
15. "Love Is Like An Itching In My Heart"
16. "You Can't Hurry Love"
17. "You Keep Me Hangin' On"
18. "Love Is Here And Now You're Gone"

Side Four (New Horizons)
19. "The Happening"
20. "Reflections"
21. "In And Out Of Love"
22. "Forever Came Today"
23. "Some Things You Never Get Used To"
24. "Love Child"

Side Five (Versatile Stylists)
25. "A Hard Day's Night"
26. "Funny How Time Slips Away"
27. "You Send Me"
28. "Falling In Love With Love"
29. "I'm The Greatest Star"

Side Six (Memories, Moving On)
30. "I'm Gonna Make You Love Me" (with the Temptations)
31. "I'm Livin' In Shame"
32. "The Composer"
33. "I'll Try Something New" (with the Temptations)
34. "No Matter What Sign You Are"
35. "Someday We'll Be Together"

Rate: 8/10
Best Song: Stop! In The Name of Love
Worst Song: Love Is Like an Itching In My Heart

I don't like looking at what Album comes next, but I am given the joyful delight of a tiny picture of the next Album.
The next three Albums looks exactly like this.
Actually, this Album was probably extremely gratifying for both Blacks and Women. Racial prejudice and sexism were both still very real when Ross cooked up these songs, but what they came up with, they hit hard.
Yet, instead of convening the message of mixing races, or empowering women, she sang about everybody knows yet nobody understands.
A bit of a wasted topic, but it still produced some legendary songs about heartbreak and romance. They are upbeat, happy, and catchy beats that could make a deaf man tap his foot. Props to The Supremes with providing the classic black womanly backup singers that are still used today in all kinds of media. No sarcasm intended.